School Code: 40683

CBSE Affiliation No: 530559

094162 21269

School Information

School Transport Rules

  • The transport facilities are extended as a privilege and cannot be claimed as a right.
  • Transport facility will be provided to those who ensure it at the time of admission only.
  • Transport fee will be charged for 12th month.
  • The school transport facility will be made available only if seating capacity in given bus exists.
  • This facility may be withdrawn at any time due to unavoidable circumstances.
  • The students should bring their bus pass daily to school and maintain complete discipline in the bus.
  • A week's notice in writing before paying the monthly fee is required to discontinue the use of school transport. They should also return the bus pass issued to them along with the withdrawal application.
  • Although all precautions are taken for the safety of the student, the school cannot be held responsible for any accident, injury or death.
  • Students will board the buses in an orderly manner, giving due priority to younger students.
  • Duplicate Bus pass will be issued on payment of RS. 50.
  • Students who avail the school bus service should report to the assigned pick-up point at least five minutes before the stipulated time.
  • Any request to change the bus route/stop must be submitted to the Principal prior to the Parents transporting children or having some transport arrangement must report to School before the Morning Assembly begins and take the student after the school ends.
  • No cars or any other transport mode will be permitted to be parked, during the school time. in front of the School Gate or inside the school premises. change that is to be made. Bus monitors shall be assigned to maintain discipline.

The following acts are considered serious violations

  • Discourtesy and disobedience to the driver or Conductor or Bus Monitor.
  • Changing places frequently when the bus is in
  • Discourtesy to other children
  • Pushing and jostling while boarding the bus.
  • Trying to distract bus driver's attention.
  • Destroying bus property.


Payment for damage will be required before the offender is reinstated on the bus. In the event, if a student being involved in a discipline problem while riding a bus, the principal, at his discretion, may take any disciplinary action, even suspending the offender from the use of bus, motion. Parents who want their wards to avail the school transport facilities shall give a written undertaking that the school will not be held responsible for any damage iniurv/loss of life and/or property due to any accident and or otherwise failure to pick up or reach the students in time. use of school transport. They should also return the bus pass issued to them along with the withdrawal application.