Admission Procedure
- The Management reserves to itself the right of admission.
- Before a student can be considered for admission, the Proforma/Form duly filled in and
signed by one of the parents, must be submitted with the school along with the pre-admission
process fee. If neither of the parents is alive or present, the lawful guardian of the child
can sign the form.
- Registration of a student does not guarantee admission. Admissions are made only after the
students qualify the entrance test and interview, provided seats are also available.
- Students who join the school are to produce a Transfer Certificate, Mark Sheet from the
previous school and a Birth Certificate issued by the Municipality.
- Special attention must be paid while entering correctly the name and date of the birth of
the child. Subsequent changes in the date of birth or name will not be permitted.
- Before admission and/or shifting residence, parents should satisfy themselves that adequate
transport arrangements exist for their wards from the place of residence to the school and
back. Deviation from the established route or a change in the time schedule will not be
permitted. Parents who shift their residence must officially inform the school about the
same so that proper changes are made in the school records. It is mandatory that this
procedure should be carried out by parents themselves and not through correspondence or
through their ward.
- Students are normally registered for admission in the month of Feb./March for the next
academic year for class Nursery.
- The minimum age for admission to Nursery is 3 years plus as on 1st April of the year.
- All students are allotted admission numbers. This number is to be quoted in all
correspondence in the school.
- The admission, however, will be barred to those students who, for serious reasons of breach
discipline, are a threat to the general well-being of other students.
Promotion Policy For Classes -XI
- The student must fulfil the minimum 80% attendance criteria to be able to for the
- Minimum qualifying grade is D (33%) for all subject for Class VI to X and 33% for Class X.
- It is essential to pass in theory and practical exams separately in class Xl in order to be
declared pass in the concerned subject having practical assessment.
- In Class V| - X it is mandatory to get minimum 33% in both the Summative Assessment to
qualify in subject along with minimum Overall D Grade.
- If a student has obtained E in subject (s), then the student must take an improvement Exam
in that subject (s), to enable him / her to be promoted to the next class í, e, the student
must get minimum qualifying
- For class X, Improvement Examination will be conduced as per CBSE Rules.
- Student who is detained twice in same class will have to discontinue her/his studies in the
- It is compulsory for all student to pass the Sanskrit Examination at the end of class VIll.
- It is compulsory for every student to pass in music / Drawing / Computer Science and General
Studies Examinations, otherwise the student will be considered failed.
- If There is a holiday on the day of Unit Test it will be taken on the next day. If holiday
is on a term exam, then it will be notified later.
Important Notes
- A Student having less than 80% attendance shall NOT be permitted to take the Final
Examination and hence is likely to repeat the class due to shortage of attendance.
- Cheating in tests / examination is considered as a grave offence. A student who is found
using unfair means while writing examination will be awarded Zero in that subject.
Repetition of the same offence will result in his / her rustication from the school.
- Evaluation in minor subjects (VI-X) such as Art, Music, Dance, Computer Science, G.K.,
Physical Education etc. is conducted during regular class periods.
- Students are intimated in advance about this tests / examination. Evaluation of minor
subject is reflected as grades in the Report Cards.
- A student absenting himself/herself from U.T. practical examination Annual examination will
not be re-tested or re-examined. He/she shall lose the credit for the Same in the cumulative
assessment, which may affect his/her promotion to the next class.
- If a Report Card is misplaced it will be re-issued on payment of RS. 100.